We develop projects to offer an original key to understanding,
to broaden and enrich the reflection on human development
and lifelong learning to nurture empowered, engaged citizens
who can become change-agents, chartering the way towards
a safer, greener and fairer society for all: through participatory
training and learning methods to motivate learners take
action for sustainable development
Ten for Sustainability...ten pillars for sustainability

Region Le Marche, central Italy, Italy

email: tenforsustainability@gmail.com
Copyright Ten For Sustainability 2023
On-going project news:
A delegation of four X4S staff members, took part to the
Erasmus+ KA1 structured training course “Powering the EU
Green Deal in lifelong learning through outdoor
education”, provided by Geoclube - Associação Juvenil
de Ciência, Natureza e Aventura, acting as hosting
partner organization, from 12 up to 18 May. The training
was part of the Erasmus+ short-term projects for mobility
of staff in adult education to innovate and improve the
quality of its training ...read more.
Training project news:
A delegation made-up of six staff members from wihtin the Romanian not-for-profit organization
Centrul pentru Politici Durabile Ecopolis, took part from April 23rd to April 30 th 2022, in Ascoli
Piceno to the Structured training course "Climate Change from Science to Society: essentials and
methods for transformative learning through the prism of sustainability". The training was part of
the Eramsu+ Learning Mobility of Individuals in the field of adult education titled "Transformative
learning through the prism of sustainability", aiming to support the personal and professional
development of ECOPOLIS' staff in order to innovate and improve the quality of training, namely
throuigh the use of innovative methodologies developed and implemented as a consequence of
global efforts to address climate change issues and global sustainability...
Mobility project news:
A delegation of five staff members from within Ten for Sustainability, reached Brussels to attend
the Erasmus+ KA1 structured training course “Sustainability from Europe to community and
around”, provided by KI AN Ente europeo di sviluppo e cultura Asbl, acting as hosting partner
organization, from the 21 up to 27 June 2023. The training was part of the Erasmus+ short-term
projects for mobility of staff in adult education to innovate and improve the quality of its training
and awareness provisions to citizens, communities, institutions, companies and other actors of
societies, to Acquire direct knowledge on European Institutions and their functioning especially as
regards their role in the adoption of the environmental sustainability agenda for the future as a
learning experience ...