Ten for Sustainability...ten pillars for sustainability

Region Le Marche, central Italy, Italy

Project number: 2021-1-IT02-KA122-ADU-000017983
Copyright Ten For Sustainability 2023
Mobility news:
"Environmental sustainability meets art"
A delegation made-up of three staff members from within the
Italian not-for-profit organization Ten for Sustainability, reached
Barcelona to attend the Erasmus+ KA1 structured training course
“Climate for change and social inclusion, sustainability and art”,
held by EQUIS - Equilibri Sostenible, acting as hosting partner
organization, from April 20th up to April 26th 2022, in Barcelona.
The training was part of the Erasmus+ short-term projects for mobility
of staff in adult education titled " Environmental sustainability meets
art ", aiming to support the personal and professional development
of Ten for Sustainability’s staff in order to innovate and improve the
quality of its training and awareness provisions to citizens,
communities, institutions, companies and other actors of societies,
to help face raise the current and future challenges posed by
changing climate as well as possible initiatives to mitigate or adapt
to them.
The project has started on the 1st of December 2021 and will end
on the 30th of November 2022 and is based upon the participation
of three members of Ten For Sustainability’s staff to a structured
training course in Barcelona, rooted on the connection between
art and sustainability, as a universally recognized analogy, a mirror
of the present society literally in need to “whether the storms” of
the global crisis (climate change-related crisis, health crises),
supporting communities and individuals to adapt, prevent and
mitigate the impact towards more resilient social contexts. A fruitful
bridge can be established between the arts and sustainability,
whereby the reciprocal creative processes can offer new methods
in approaching sustainability, infusing the sustainability field with the
power of the arts, while also exploring those dimensions where
sustainability initiatives have successfully used the arts for its
purposes. During the training course, the participants have directly
experience how creativity literacy can be activated and accessed
through the connection between art, culture and sustainability, their
reciprocal toolsets and languages of universal value, both by
means of conveying environmental sustainability through artistic
interventions and by inspiring sustainability through the languages of
art: benefitting from a vital symbiosis with art and culture.
Dowload the press release of the mobility in Barcelona.
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